A country mechanic who’s been scrapping various vehicles, trailers and parts at his place for years. Looking at the market trends, he decides to make millions by turning his trophies into cool campers, dream homes on wheels.
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Start your adventure in this beautiful natural setting. There are many non-obvious surprises waiting for you. Well, life in the countryside doesn’t start and end with work…
Buy a camper that’s falling apart or get one of those you’ve got behind your shed. Get rid of the rust, repair the most important parts, weld, cut sheet metal, tighten, invest by buying new parts.
Now it’s time for the interior, you’ll need to invest a bit here. Install a fridge, air conditioning and, of course, a huge TV set. Work in a creative way so as to fill the space as best as possible.
The question is whether or not the camper will work well in difficult conditions, so a test drive’s needed. Park on the edge of an escarpment, drive into tight places, and… check if the fridge made the beer nice and cool and if the bed’s comfy!
Selling’s always a mystery, the customer will surely be a demanding one and will find every bungle. You can do it and you’ll make a lot of money which you’ll most probably spend on your greatest hobby (other than beer), meaning chicken farming.
There’s also your woman who will repeatedly „bug” you. We’ll leave the decision up to you here, whether you’ll help her, whether or not you’ll politely eat a tasteless dinner… or if you choose a totally different path, it can be difficult 🙂